THinC is the online and offline communications network of Hague-based international organisations powered by the Hague Peace and Justice Project.



The network aims to strengthen The Hague as the international city of Peace and Justice by expanding the visibility of the knowledge and expertise of the international organisations, NGO’s, knowledge institutions, media organisations, private sectors and the government at a global scale. The Hague Peace and Justice Project is a network for and of the international organisations, and supported by the latter.

THinC aims to create synergies between the participating organisations, and create a solid and effective communication network in order to communicate jointly on the international city of peace and justice and key topics. The network aims to build connections and synergies towards common goals, and has a focus on connecting content, information and expertise. The network should bring added value to the participants, and create engagement through the activities and communications of the Hague Peace and Justice Project on an ongoing basis.

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